By a stroke of
genius, the President had ordered the CBN be in charge of receipts of oil
revenues, a departure from decade-long misappropriation of crude oil sales. It
therefore enhances CBN's ability to stabilize the currency. The insinuation
that CBN borrows to sell to banks and BDCs should be disregarded.
Clearing of
$7billion backlog has done the economy so much good. Investors no longer have
the fear of their funds being trapped. Oil production is on a steady increase.
Although, a component volume of it had been sold in the future, however, the
significant increase in production is offsetting the shortfalls. Moreover, oil
price is up. The market is gaining back investors'
confidence. Following MPC meeting in January, investors reacted positively,
total foreign portfolios recorded $2.3billion in February, purchases of naira
assets stood at $1billion, oversea remittances went up greatly, FG bonds was oversubscribed,
all these helped create more liquidity and increases market supply.
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