Women are DISGUSTED by men who ask her out too soon.
She doesn't like to date strangers.
9 Steps To Take Before You Ask Her Out :
1) Text her for a week
If you just got her number, don't ask her out.
Give her parts of your personality so you've got some rapport built.
2) Tell her about you
Make sure she doesn't think of you as a stranger.
She doesn't date strangers.
3) Compliment her
Don't tell her she's beautiful, she heard it too many times.
Tell her she's fun, she loves it.
4) Build tension
Tease her and flirt.
It's going to be easier for you to escalate on the date.
5) Make your intentions clear
Don't leave any confusion.
Hit on her and whenever she thinks of you as a friend, reinforce your intent.
6) Don't simp
If you simp for her, she'll think you're desperate.
She'll eventually ghost you.
7) Don't text her everyday
You should text her for a week.
But not everyday.
Text her every 2-3 days.
8) Flirt at night
Text her at night and start flirting with her.
You'll show up in her dreams.
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