Brother Strangles Sister To Death In Row Over WiFi Password.

A brother has been jailed for life after getting into a fight with his sister over the family’s internet access.

Kevon Watkins, 18, changed the password to prevent his family using the internet so he could play games online at their home in Macon, Georgia, on February 2, 2018. His mother told him to hand over the internet password, but his sister Alexus got involved when she feared he was going to attack their mother.

The siblings started fighting and when their mother could not separate them she contacted police. Kevon but Alexus in a choke hold and is believed to have held her there for 15 minutes, only releasing her when police arrived.

However, Alexus, who has a three-year-old son, was unconscious and attempts at CPR failed. She was declared dead from asphyxiation at hospital later that day

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